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Auntie Lindsay

Alice and Estelle's incredible Auntie Lindsay passed away last week, after a courageous battle with cancer over the past 8 months. While we were not lucky enough to see Lindsay very often, as she lived in Stratford with Unky G, we appreciated every chance we got to spend time with her, and our family will miss her dearly whenever we reunite. The girls both loved their Auntie (was it her diminutive size? her youthful spirit? or the fact that loved loved all things pink and girly?) and though they understand little of her absence now, will surely come to know how wonderful she was through memories from Gareth.

A few glowing words from a handful of sources:

We will remember you, Lindsay.
We are by your side, Gareth.
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Même si nous ne l'avons pas connu beaucoup, nous savions qu'elle était spéciale. Elle était si souriante et charmante. Nos sympathies à votre belle famille et à Gareth. nOUs sommes certain que les filles se souviendront d'elle au travers vos histoires.
Que vous dire mes chers amis...Gareth....nos pensées sont avec vous...une étoile scintille...qu'elle repose en paix...une tonne d'amour et de force pour passer à travers l'épreuve...
Les Gautron