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The rest of the day

Daddy, here are a few more things we got up to today.

Alice and I ate grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch (with spaghetti squash!), but you can't see any in these photos, because they went straight into her mouth! (and mine too)

Do you remember in the 80's when "ring around the collar" was a big deal? I wonder what happened to the rings? Do men not sweat in their shirt collars anymore? Hmmmm...

On a related note, Alice did have ring around the collar today, after some sneaky food leaked past the bib and onto her shirt!

Exploring new vistas.

Because it can get boring always sitting on the same piece of hardwood.

Gran and Grandad came over for a visit this evening. This is the only pic we have, but it was lots of fun!


Anonymous said…
Guy ,Your girls are wonderful. Lucy made a great supper and Alice read me a bedtime story. Hurry on home. We all miss you Love Grandad